Education, Education, Education

Education was doomed and schools would universally suffer as a result of the pandemic, we were told. It’s certainly changed stuff. but has the disaster rteally happened and what part has technology played?

Alexa Joyce of Microsoft discusses with Guy Clapperton.

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Are we ditching the doctor too quickly?

We all have a lot of information about our bodies – we might own smartwatches or phones that count our paces or measure our pulse rate, we may have a blood pressure monitoring machine and there are apps and devices to help with diabetes. 

Is it all too much, though? Has self-diagnosis gone too far? In this debate I speak to Dr. Gigi Taguri of LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor and Hamish Grierson of Thriva about whether we have too much data and when we need to get advice from a human.

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Nice to Meat You

Lab-grown meat or factory-made fillets – is the future of meat away from the farm? Daan while Tim Bonner of the Countryside Alliance in the UK thinks otherwise. Guy Clapperton presents the latest in the Dividing Lines mini-series within the Near Futurist podcast, sponsored by Diffusion PR.

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