Machine learning – what will we learn?

OK, look, it’s not the Near Futurist Guy Clapperton who ends up referencing Skynet and the Terminator in this episode – it’s Oliver Tavakoli, a serial executive who is currently CTO of Vectra. In this far-ranging interview he outlines the basics of artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, machine learning and deep learning – and also looks at where it’s all going. We’re not asking all the right questions about this – OK, we talk about eliminating boring jobs but what if one of those happens to be your livelihood?

Half an hour of thought-provoking dialogue with me, Guy Clapperton, and Oliver Tavakoli. If you enjoy it please do leave a review wherever you download from – and if you’re one of the people who’ve rated the podcast on iTunes and contributed towards its 4.8/5 rating, thank you!

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