Phrases like “gig economy” and “zero hours contracts” are rarely used in any positive sense but freelancing is increasingly important to the workplace, says Sarah Johnson, co-founder of consultancy The Akin. Her organization is very much a virtual set-up and in this episode of the Near Futurist she discusses how freelancers need to value themselves, how smarter and flexible working are developing and how managers need to adjust to this new world.
There are also notes on what’s happening in terms of women in senior roles, and even in 2019 she finds they are a disproportionate minority.
Ageism shot down, figures quoted and a great deal else – if you haven’t heard the Near Futurist podcast before this is a great place to jump in.
Oh, and since it’s our first of 2019, Happy New Year if we’re not too late..? And do please feel free to leave a review on the iTunes store if you like what you hear – it’s how a show like this starts to grow.